Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Jake Adams Family

 My oldest brother has four kids.  It can get pretty crazy over at their house but I did my best to capture what life is all about.
I was greeted as always by young Trey and his visiting Uncle's tiny dog Porter.


 Guess who just learned to pump her legs?


 Trey. In his favorite spot to throw a fit.
 Our attempt at family photo inside of dimly lit house, no flash, four children.
 It got a little out of control.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Annemor and family

This beautiful family gathered at the CSU Chapel on the Oval to love on and celebrate the 70th birthday of this lovely Norwegian Lady.  I hope that I am as cool as her when I reach 70.
 Awesome boots purchased "on a whim" upon her last visit to Norway. And look at those eyes!

 Flashback photo courtesy of facebook.
They haven't changed a bit.  Well maybe a tiny bit on top.
 As always I encourage treats mid shoot.
 And group hugs!

 There was a bit of running,
 some silliness
 and a bit more running.
 I love to see cousins together having a blast.
 I think it is safe to assume that this lady is loved.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Leaves, Umbrellas and the Family Zoo

 My brother Bailey's family is about to trade their five chickens for a rabbit (don't tell Brooke, its a secret.) So they wanted a family photo with them before they go to the farm, to lay eggs not get eaten. But we started the afternoon with a serious leaf pile.

 Even the fish was included, have no fear there were holes punched in the top.
 Family photo with all five chickens, a parrot, fish, dog and three kids.  BLAMO!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Santa Clause came to town a bit early.

 The Jolly old Elf stopped by to see some little people at my cousin's house and I was there to capture the excitement.  While mom performed some last minute preparations and a covert op Breck and Hart showed me their rooms.

 Breck just got his very own phone.  The post-it notes have his grandmothers' phone numbers on them.

 Santa even helped decorate some cupcakes (and noses).