Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Gould Children

 I got to spend an afternoon with these cool kids in their home capturing their ordinary.
 Jewelery by Jordan.

 Jordan is a carnivorous plant keeper.  There are pitcher plants and Venus fly traps in this pot.

 Natalie has a VERY loose tooth!

 Hannah is an Aquarist (a person who keeps or maintains an aquarium) and an Equestrian (a person who rides horses).

 Robert claims not to be a smiler but I have proof that his face can smile.

 What's a little sister for if not to force your face into a smile.
 Hannah also keeps chickens.  I guess you would say that she is an animal person.

 I love the eyes on these two. They say so much.

 You may think that this is a cute puppy but what you are really looking at is a vicious rabbit hunter.  So, look out all you rabbits, because your days are numbered.

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