Thursday, August 8, 2013

Stan and Rosemary

 This French lady and Louisiana man are brilliant.  Rosemary has an undergraduate degree from Wheaton and a Masters in Theology from London Bible College, Stan went to Cornell then received a PHD in Romance Linguistics and Medieval History from Michigan.  They met and were married in France and speak French at home or when they don't want other people to know what they are talking about.  Their home is filled with memories that they are still trying to figure out how to fit it all into a smaller house.

 I had a lovely cup of tea with Rosemary while we waited for Stan, who was out running errands.

  These are the portraits that were taken to put in the Shreveport, LA newspaper to announce their engagement over 53 years ago.

 And Stan was back out to run into town to get Rosemary's medicine.  These two don't sit still for long.

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